Evening stretching routine

Beginner 1 weeks 7x/week
article rating 4.6/5 1768

Releasing body tension is great for relaxing, forgetting the stress of the day, taking some time for yourself and making it easier to fall asleep. Every night for one week, give yourself 15 minutes for this stretching routine.

This routine will give you better range of motion in your joints and more flexibility. And you might even be able to gradually relieve any back pain you may have if you continue doing this routine over several weeks.

Happy stretching!

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !

Week 1 - Relax and release your body

Simple and effective exercises that anyone can do.

  • 01. Release tension
  • 02. Release tension
  • 03. Release tension
  • 04. Release tension
  • 05. Release tension
  • 06. Release tension
  • 07. Release tension

Coach advice

"Where can you do your routine? In bed or on a mat? Choose a calm and comfortable place where you can get the most out of the stretches. You can start the routine on a mat, and end it in your bed. Enjoy and feel free to let us know what you think!"
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