Squat challenge

Beginner 1 weeks 7x/week
article rating 4.5/5 322

How does a week-long squat challenge to get ready for summer and boost your motivation sound?

Want to be able to do 100 squats in just seven days?

Domyos coach Émilie put together this squat workout to help you work your glutes and burn calories.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !

Week 1 - #SQUAT Challenge

And don't forget to hydrate during each workout.

  • 01. Day 1: 3 minutes 15 seconds
  • 02. Day 2: 3 minutes 40 seconds
  • 03. Day 3: 4 minutes
  • 04. Day 4: 4 minutes 30 seconds
  • 05. Day 5: 5 minutes
  • 06. Day 6: 6 minutes
  • 07. Day 7: 6 minutes 30 seconds

Coach advice

"100 squats in seven days? Yes, you can!"
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