Here’s a spinning-inspired cycling programme designed for those looking to slim down.Each session is a suggestion—you are responsible for your training, taking into account external factors (such as fatigue, stress, temperature, etc.).
NB: The 4-week progression is quick, but you can choose to repeat each week for a smoother progression and allow your body more time to adjust.
The first week is all about exploring and testing the three training sessions you’ll repeat (with slight variations each week) throughout the programme.It’s important to note how your body feels and reacts.These observations will help you adjust and personalise the rest of the programme.
Now that you’ve experienced the 3 training sessions, this week we’ll aim to optimise and refine these initial workouts.Although the adjustments are minor, the sessions will be more challenging.If you found the first week difficult, consider repeating it before moving on to Week 2.
You are now familiar with the training programme, effort zones, and the associated sensations (known as the Perceived Effort (PE) or Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE)).Start to move away from focusing on your heart rate data and allow yourself to be "guided" by your feelings, while checking in with your heart rate occasionally.
You are approaching the last week of this programme. Each session has been built on different models, and you are now familiar with your reactions to each type of session, as well as your capacity for effort. With this knowledge, look ahead to continue your training independently, focusing on improving both your strengths and weaknesses.