Using the elliptical bike to lose weight

Beginner 4 weeks 2x/week
article rating 4.5/5 108

Want to lose weight by taking up sport? Then the elliptical bike's your new best friend.Here's a programme that's perfect for getting started and losing weight.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !

Week 1 - 45 minutes of interval training

Interval training is great for losing weight and improving your speed.

  • 01. Interval Training (45 min)
  • 02. Interval Training (45 min)

Week 2 - 50 minutes of interval training

We're going to make sessions longer to get some progress going and burn more calories

  • 03. Interval Training (50 min)
  • 04. Interval Training (50 min)

Week 3 - 55 minutes of interval training

Two sessions this week with variations in acceleration and differences in recovery.

  • 05. Interval Training (55 min)
  • 06. Interval Training (50 min)

Week 4 - 55 minutes of interval training

Let's finish up this programme in glory!Hang on tight!

  • 07. Interval Training (55 min)
  • 08. Interval Training (55 min)

Coach advice

"To reach your goals quickly, we strongly advise you to adopt a healthy and varied diet alongside this programme."
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