Stress relief routine

Beginner 1 weeks 7x/week
article rating 4.7/5 567

Here's the perfect stress-busting yoga sequence.

This sequence will give you all the benefits of balance poses (strength, stability, focus), forward bends (relaxing and calming), and inverted poses to renew cells and bring fresh blood to your brain.

Do this routine every morning when you wake up or at the end of a busy day and add some calm to your day. These relaxing poses will quickly give you a feeling of inner calm.

This routine has 7 identical sequences.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !

Week 1 - Chase away stress with yoga

Do the same sequence every day to build good habits, evacuate stress and release tension.

  • 01. Anti-stress: Day 1 (6 min)
  • 02. Anti-stress: Day 2 (6 min)
  • 03. Anti-stress: Day 3 (6 min)
  • 04. Anti-stress: Day 4 (6 min)
  • 05. Anti-stress: Day 5 (6 min)
  • 06. Anti-stress: Day 6 (6 min)
  • 07. Anti-stress: Day 7 (6 min)

Coach advice

"Try to do these poses every day to enjoy the benefits and feel good in both body and mind!"
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