Completing your first half-marathon - in 10 weeks

Experienced 10 weeks 3x/week
article rating 4.7/5 520

In order to follow this training plan, you should already be able to run for 1 hour non-stop.

This 10-week plan is divided into 2 cycles.
During the first round you will ideally train on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays in order to properly space out the sessions.
During the second round you will ideally train on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays in order to be able to build up the km over a short period.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !

Week 1 - Round 1: Begins gradually.

Keep at least one day of rest between each session in order to get your body used to this new workload.

  • 01. 45 minutes jogging on flat ground
  • 02. 45 min jogging on hilly ground
  • 03. 1 hour jogging on flat ground

Week 2 - Round 1: gradually increased durations

This week you go on your first long run. You must keep yourself hydrated on these sessions, drinking at least one sip every 20 minutes. There are various solutions for carrying your drink: a hand-held bottle, a soft flask in the shorts, a bottle-carrying belt or a water bag.

  • 04. 45 minutes jogging on flat ground
  • 05. 1 hour jogging on hilly ground
  • 06. 1 hour 15 of jogging on flat ground

Week 3 - Round 1: run lengths continue to increase

The training sessions, and effort you put in, mean that you may start to get tired.

Look after yourself, put on dry clothes after running, follow our nutritional advice, monitor your lifestyle and everything will be fine!

  • 07. 1 hour jogging on flat ground
  • 08. 1 hour jogging on hilly ground
  • 09. 1 hour 30 min long run on the road

Week 4 - Round 1: speeding up the end of the run

Some types of training include a section at higher speeds. It's not about sprinting, but rather running a little faster while staying comfortable.

If you use a heart rate monitor, the faster section should be at around 80% of your HRmax.

  • 10. 1 hour with a faster 5 minutes
  • 11. 1 hour with a faster 10 minutes
  • 12. 1 hour 30 min long run on the road

Week 5 - Regeneration week

This week training becomes much lighter in order to recover from your exertions during the first round.
Only 2 training sessions are retained, preferably on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

  • 13. 45 minutes jogging on flat ground
  • 14. rest
  • 15. 45 minutes jogging on flat ground

Week 6 - Round 2: setting off from the foundations laid in week 4 of round 1

On this second round will ideally train on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays in order to be able to build up the km over a short period.

  • 16. 1 hour with a faster 5 minutes
  • 17. 1 hour jogging on flat ground
  • 18. 1 hour 30 min long run on the road

Week 7 - Round 2: run lengths continue to increase

The training sessions, and effort you put in, mean that you may start to get tired.

Look after yourself, put on dry clothes after running, follow our nutritional advice, monitor your lifestyle and everything will be fine!

  • 19. 1 hour with a faster 8 minutes
  • 20. 1 hr 15 min long run on the road
  • 21. 1 hour 45 min long run on the road

Week 8 - Round 2: maximum training levels are reached

The training sessions, and effort you put in, mean that you may start to get tired.

Look after yourself, put on dry clothes after running, follow our nutritional advice, monitor your lifestyle and everything will be fine!

  • 22. 1 hour with a faster 10 minutes
  • 23. 1 hour jogging on flat ground
  • 24. 2 hrs long run on the road

Week 9 - Round 2: the training loads decrease.

This final week of training becomes lighter in comparison with the previous weeks.

Ideally you will schedule your training sessions on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays to properly recuperate between each session.

  • 25. 1 hour with a faster 10 minutes
  • 26. 1 hr 15 min long run on the road
  • 27. 1 hour jogging on flat ground

Week 10 - Regeneration and competition

The training becomes lighter in order to feel refreshed at the start of the race.

Just one short run, preferably on Wednesday, will be sufficient in order to be on form at the start of the half-marathon

  • 28. 30 minutes jogging on flat ground
  • 29. rest
  • 30. warm-up for day of race

Coach advice

"You want to complete a half-marathon. You have no time goal, simply to get to the finish. It's a huge goal that will require discipline and a lot of commitment. With the willpower, determination and routine, this training plan will lead you on the path to success."
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