Finishing a mountain trail run - in 8 weeks

Intermediate 8 weeks 2x/week
article rating 4.5/5 16

In order to follow this plan, you should be able to run for 1 hour 30 without stopping or already have completed a half-marathon.

This 2 training sessions per week plan is organised into 2 cycles of 3 weeks, with one easing off week between the 2 cycles and another before the trail run itself.

Ideally, your sessions will take place on Wednesday and Saturday to spread them across the week.

If you use this programme, you should be able to finish your trail run without any hitches, while getting the most out of the mountains.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !

Week 1 - Cycle 1: you will start gently.

Even if you have easy access to slopes, your 'undulating' sessions should be on terrain that will enable you to keep running for most of the session.

  • 01. 1h jog on undulating terrain
  • 02. 2h mix of trail walking/running

Week 2 - Cycle 2: more work specifically on trail running

Even if you have easy access to slopes, your 'undulating' sessions should be on terrain that will enable you to keep running for most of the session.

  • 03. 1h15 jog on undulating terrain
  • 04. 2h15 of mixed trail walking and running

Week 3 - Cycle 1: the training load increases.

As you string together your training sessions and the physical exertion required, you may start to get a little tired.

Look after yourself. Put on dry clothes after running, follow our nutritional advice, pay attention to personal hygiene and all will be well!

  • 05. 1h30 jog on undulating terrain
  • 06. 2h30 of mixed trail walking and running

Week 4 - Regeneration week.

You will really ease off on training this week to recover from your efforts during the first cycle.

  • 07. 1h jog on undulating terrain
  • 08. 1h jog on undulating terrain

Week 5 - Cycle 2: more work specifically on trail running

If you decide to invest in a pair of trail running shoes (which is highly recommended for greater grip and protection), it is high time you broke them in!

  • 09. 1h30 jog on undulating terrain
  • 10. 3h of mixed trail walking and running

Week 6 - Cycle 2: maximum training load.

This week is the heaviest load in the training programme. As you string together your training sessions and the physical exertion required, you may start to get a little tired.

Look after yourself. Put on dry clothes after running, follow our nutritional advice, pay attention to personal hygiene and all will be well!

  • 11. 1h15 jog on undulating terrain
  • 12. 2h30 of mixed trail walking and running

Week 7 - Cycle 2: the training load is reduced gradually.

Penultimate week of training. The sessions are shorted to prevent fatigue.

  • 13. 1 hour of jogging on flat ground
  • 14. 1h15 jog on undulating terrain

Week 8 - Regeneration and competition.

Training is gentler to ensure you are fresh when the race begins.

Don't attempt to do more to reassure yourself - it would actually be counter-productive!

  • 15. 30-minute jog
  • 16. Warm-up for race day

Coach advice

"You want to take part in trail runs of under 20km and discover the mountains. This plan will help you make the absolute most of your adventure."
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