Regular: Lose 4-5 kg over 12 weeks (with an empty stomach sessions)

Intermediate 12 weeks 2x/week
article rating 4.6/5 364

We're going to suggest a gradual program so that your muscles and joints get used to exercise.

I propose an empty stomach session once a week. You will run in the morning even before eating. This practice burns more fat, but it must be used sparingly. Respect the proposed plan to let your body get used to this practice. On your return, you will have breakfast as recommended by our nutritionist in the councils.

Over time, you'll become slimmer (before starting the program, remember to measure around your thighs, hips and waist) and then you'll lose weight, between 3-5 kilos.

Ideally, you should train on Wednesdays and Saturdays so that your sessions are staggered throughout the week.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !

Week 1 - Goal: to run for 20 minutes without stopping.

If you can't run for 20 minutes without stopping, start by following the "run for 20 minutes continuously" program.

  • 01. Alternate running and walking for 40 minutes
  • 02. Alternate running and walking for 40 minutes

Week 2 - Goal: running for 25 minutes on an empty stomach

If you can't run for 25 minutes without stopping, start by following the "run for 20 minutes continuously" program.

  • 03. Alternate running and walking for 45 minutes
  • 04. running for 25 minutes on an empty stomach

Week 3 - Goal: running for 30 minutes without stopping.

If you've followed our advice properly, you should start to see a difference in your shape at the end of the first week.

  • 05. Alternate running and walking for 45 minutes
  • 06. Running for 30 min on an empty stomach

Week 4 - Goal: running for 25 minutes on an empty stomach.

The running sections will last for longer and longer. Over the week, you will have clocked up a total of more than two hours running!

  • 07. Alternate running and walking for 50 minutes
  • 08. Running for 35 min on an empty stomach

Week 5 - Goal: running for 40 minutes on an empty stomach

You should always be able to breathe comfortably during the running phase i.e. you should be able to speak while running. You’ll gain nothing by going faster!

  • 09. Alternate running and walking for 55 minutes
  • 10. Running for 40 minutes on an empty stomach

Week 6 - Goal: running for 45 minutes on an empty stomach

It's now 6 weeks since you started looking after yourself, following our running program and dietary advice. See you much better you feel!

  • 11. Alternate running and walking for 1 hour
  • 12. Running for 45 minutes on an empty stomach

Week 7 - Goal: running for 50 minutes on an empty stomach.

As you can see running with an empty stomach is very effective for losing weight. however, this practice performed too often or too long can promote significant fatigue states. It is important to show moderation in the frequency (once a week maximum) and the duration of this type of training (one hour maximum). On any occasion, listen to your body.

  • 13. Alternate running and walking for 1 hour 5 minutes
  • 14. running for 50 minutes on an empty stomach

Week 8 - Goal : running for 55 minutes on an empty stomach

Remember you must be able to breathe comfortably and be capable of talking. If you can't, go more slowly.

  • 15. Alternate running and walking for 1 hour 5 minutes
  • 16. Running for 55min on an empty stomach

Week 9 - Goal : running for 1 hour on an empty stomach

This week you will run for 1 hour on an empty stomach! Courage and motivation are the keywords to attack these last weeks!

  • 17. Alternate running and walking for 1 hour 10 minutes
  • 18. Running for 1 hour on an empty stomach

Week 10 - Objective: Running for 1 hour on an empty stomach 2 weeks in a row

Step by step, you have become used to running on an empty stomach. Now you can hold an hour, well done! Now the goal is to be able to run on an empty stomach 1 hour each week

  • 19. Alternate running and walking for 1 hour 15 minutes
  • 20. Running for 1 hour on an empty stomach

Week 11 - Goal: to make run your routine

Normally you have to bear better the running time on an empty stomach

  • 21. Alternate running and walking for 1 hour 15 minutes
  • 22. Running for 1hour on an empty stomach

Week 12 - Last training week

The plan stops, but not your practice of running! You can either start this program again from week 9 or go on a plan to" stabilize your weight "

  • 23. Alternate running and walking for 1 hour 25 minutes
  • 24. Running for 1 hour on an empty stomach

Coach advice

"This program is aimed at those who want to lose weight and can already run 20 minutes continuously. It's essential to adopt a new lifestyle at the same time, and follow a special hydration and nutrition regime. Follow our nutritional advice and try out some of the recipes, specially designed by our nutritionist, in the ADVICE tab. Over time, the combination of sport and nutrition will help you lose weight and tone up!"
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