Get started with the GREAT#1 routine

Beginner 6 weeks 7x/week
article rating 4.6/5 3617

Reach your goals gradually with our GREAT method.
Our certified trainer has a six-week programme to help you learn and gradually work this wellness programme into your daily routine. It includes four types of exercises:

Core => Strength-building exercise to tone up your transverse abdominis, the deep abdominal muscle that's essential to good natural posture.

Bridge => Strength-building exercise to activate your posterior chain, hamstrings, glutes and lumbar spine.

Stretching => Exercise to stretch the hamstrings and glutes to lengthen the muscles you've worked and prevent injury.

Flexibility => Exercise to release your back muscles and prevent muscle tension.

To be done every day!

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !

Week 1 - Intro to the GREAT method

Our GREAT method is gentle and requires no warm up. Make sure you have enough room to workout comfortably.
Ideally, use a gym mat, take off your shoes and wear comfortable clothing.

  • 01. Intro to the GREAT method
  • 02. Intro to the GREAT method
  • 03. Intro to the GREAT method
  • 04. Intro to the GREAT method
  • 05. Intro to the GREAT method
  • 06. Intro to the GREAT method
  • 07. Intro to the GREAT method

Week 2 - Try a plank variation and a bridge variation

Our GREAT method is gentle and requires no warm up. Make sure you have enough room to workout comfortably.
Ideally, use a gym mat, take off your shoes and wear comfortable clothing.

  • 08. Two exercise variations (7')
  • 09. Two exercise variations (7')
  • 10. Two exercise variations (7')
  • 11. Two exercise variations (7')
  • 12. Two exercise variations (7')
  • 13. Two exercise variations (7')
  • 14. Two exercise variations (7')

Week 3 - Do the same exercises for a longer amount of time

Our GREAT method is gentle and requires no warm up. Make sure you have enough room to workout comfortably.
Ideally, use a gym mat, take off your shoes and wear comfortable clothing.

  • 15. Extend the exercise duration (8')
  • 16. Extend the exercise duration (8')
  • 17. Extend the exercise duration (8')
  • 18. Extend the exercise duration (8')
  • 19. Extend the exercise duration (8')
  • 20. Extend the exercise duration (8')
  • 21. Extend the exercise duration (8')

Week 4 - Raise your plank and bridge game

Our GREAT method is gentle and requires no warm up. Make sure you have enough room to workout comfortably.
Ideally, use a gym mat, take off your shoes and wear comfortable clothing.

  • 22. Two variations of the exercises (8')
  • 23. Two variations of the exercises (8')
  • 24. Two variations of the exercises (8')
  • 25. Two variations of the exercises (8')
  • 26. Two variations of the exercises (8')
  • 27. Two variations of the exercises (8')
  • 28. Two variations of the exercises (8')

Week 5 - Get stronger and more flexible with strength training and stretching

Our GREAT method is gentle and requires no warm up. Make sure you have enough room to workout comfortably.
Ideally, use a gym mat, take off your shoes and wear comfortable clothing.

  • 29. Two exercise variations (10')
  • 30. Two exercise variations (10')
  • 31. Two exercise variations (10')
  • 32. Two exercise variations (10')
  • 33. Two exercise variations (10')
  • 34. Two exercise variations (10')
  • 35. Two exercise variations (10')

Week 6 - More variations and longer exercise times

Our GREAT method is gentle and requires no warm up. Make sure you have enough room to workout comfortably.
Ideally, use a gym mat, take off your shoes and wear comfortable clothing.

  • 36. Reaching the GREAT objective (14')
  • 37. Reaching the GREAT objective (14')
  • 38. Reaching the GREAT objective (14')
  • 39. Reaching the GREAT objective (14')
  • 40. Reaching the GREAT objective (14')
  • 41. Reaching the GREAT objective (14')
  • 42. Reaching the GREAT objective (14')

Coach advice

"Discover simple and effective exercises that build up strength and stretches to help tone and make your body more supple while preventing back pain."
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