Mission: FUN (beginner)

Intermediate 4 weeks 3x/week
article rating 4.6/5 267

WELL DONE! You've chosen the best of sports, one that does wonders for your health!
Easy to do and low-impact, it's great for your heart, it tones your muscles and it helps you lose weight. Plus, you don't need to spend a fortune on it - quite the opposite, in fact!
This programme is made for people who have never done active walking before, or who are taking up physical activity for the first time.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !

Week 1 - Week 1: Let's go!

This week, we will look at the basic precautions you need to take throughout your sessions.
You will learn the basics and fundamental techniques of fitness walking.

  • 01. Monitoring my heart
  • 02. Technique
  • 03. Warm-up and stretching exercises in order to improve your walking!

Week 2 - Work carefully on the basics

Welcome to this 2nd week!
We will revise the basics and work on the postures of the fitness walker!

  • 04. Hip movement exercises
  • 05. Speed
  • 06. Endurance

Week 3 - Week 3: The heart of the matter!

This third week is designed to build up the walker's power and endurance. Now that your technique is good, you can improve your walking by varying the exercises.
Have fun!

  • 07. The foot motion
  • 08. Power
  • 09. Active endurance

Week 4 - Developing technique

It's already be last week! How time flies!
For this final week, you will improve your movements and technique.
You will be able to step up a level at the end of the week. The word "Beginner"
will no longer be part of your vocabulary, yippee!
Have a good week of walking!

  • 10. Arm exercises
  • 11. Foot exercises
  • 12. Review

Coach advice

"On this programme, it's important to adjust your pace to your heart rate, and that means you should monitor your heart rate. Here's how to take your pulse: During the session, place your hand over your carotid artery, under your chin. With your thumb and forefinger, feel for your heartbeat, and when you've found it, count the beats for 10 seconds, at rest, and multiply that by six (to calculate beats per minute). Rest for 1min and then take your pulse again: If your heartbeat has gone down by 60 beats, that means you recover very quickly. You can therefore increase the intensity of exercise. If that's not the case, then keep to your current pace."
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