Finishing your first 5 km run - in 8 weeks

Beginner 8 weeks 2x/week
article rating 4.7/5 70

To do this programme, you must be able to run for 15 minutes without stopping.

During the course of your sessions, you will cover gradually increasing distances.

As the days go by and you improve, you will be able to complete your 5 km run. In this way, you will fulfil your objective.
Spread out your sessions appropriately: plan one for the weekend and one in the middle of the week.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !

Week 1 - Objective: run 2 kilometres

The most difficult thing is to get started, but we are here to help you and encourage you!

  • 01. Run 2 x 1 km
  • 02. Run for 2 km without stopping

Week 2 - Objective: run for 2.5 kilometres

Stay motivated and you will improve!

  • 03. Run for 2 km without stopping
  • 04. Run for 2.5 km without stopping

Week 3 - Objective: run for 3 kilometres

Don't try to go too quickly. The most important thing is to attain your objective while enjoying yourself.

  • 05. Run for 2.5 km without stopping
  • 06. Run for 3 km without stopping

Week 4 - Objective: run for 3.5 kilometres

You're more than halfway done, stay even more motivated!

  • 07. Run for 3 km without stopping
  • 08. Run for 3.5 km without stopping

Week 5 - Objective: run for 4 kilometres

We are nearing your objective, keep up the confidence!

  • 09. Run for 3.5 km without stopping
  • 10. Run for 4 km without stopping

Week 6 - Objective: run for 4.5 kilometres

Penultimate week before your objective, it's getting close!

  • 11. Run for 4 km without stopping
  • 12. Run for 4.5 km without stopping

Week 7 - Penultimate week

The workload drops so that you feel fresh for the start of the race.

  • 13. Run for 4.5 km without stopping
  • 14. Run for 4 km without stopping

Week 8 - Objective: finish a 5-kilometre run!

You have trained hard during the course of the weeks, look at what you have achieved, trust in yourself and you will succeed!

  • 15. Run for 3 km without stopping
  • 16. Warm-up for race day

Coach advice

"You want to run a 5 km distance. This is a fine objective. We will help you with some sports activities that are suited to your level of ability. Don't worry about your speed or pace. The most important thing is to enjoy yourself!"
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