Improve my endurance

Intermediate 4 weeks 3x/week
article rating 4.6/5 476

Complete four weeks of training with "Improve my endurance" and get back into shape through active walking. Discover the benefits of this simple but effective sport: well-being, health and fitness

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !


Unsure about how to move your foot properly when fitness walking?Check out our advice on improving your foot motion for strengthening your leg muscles as well as your buttocks

  • 01. 45 minutes walking at 5 km/h
  • 02. 60 minutes walking
  • 03. 50 minutes walking at 5 km/h


When power walking, your foot movement has specific requirements: flexibility, cushioning and bounce. For greater comfort during sessions, wear specific suitable shoes to support the movement.

  • 04. 55 minutes walking at 5 km/h
  • 05. 55 minutes walking
  • 06. 45 minutes walking at 5 km/h


Adopt the "sports attitude": warm up with 2 minutes walking at your own pace at the beginning of each session. Have a few sips of water every 20 minutes to stay hydrated and end your session calmly getting back to normal with 2 minutes walking at your own pace. If you feel out of breath, slow down! You should always be able to keep up a conversation during your session.

  • 07. 50 minutes walking at 5.5 km/h
  • 08. 60 minutes walking
  • 09. 45 minutes walking at 5.5 km/h


For this final week of the programme, the sessions last for at least one hour at a pace of up to 6 km/h.Make sure you drink plenty of water by taking a few sips every 20 minutes. And why not try an energy drink? If you feel out of breath, slow down! You should always be able to keep up a conversation during your session.

  • 10. 45 minutes walking at 6 km/h
  • 11. 60 minutes walking
  • 12. 60 minutes walking at 6 km/h !

Coach advice

"Every week, you will take part in a session which has a specific objective in order to build up endurance and be able to uphold a speed of 6 km/h for a duration of 1 hour. You will need to monitor your activity with the dedicated Decathlon Coach app or a GPS watch."
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