Cardio Challenge

Beginner 1 weeks 6x/week
article rating 4.6/5 366

A little fitness challenge, did you say?
This isn't a super-physical challenge. It's something anyone can do.
Our aim? To keep you fit!

So if you're ready and raring to go, join us for 1 workout a day for 6 days!

Remember to share your feedback on social media.

Enjoy your week of training!

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !

Week 1 - Keep fit with the CARDIO CHALLENGE

1 week to get in shape.
6 workouts, 1 per day! Ready?

  • 01. Toned thighs (18 min)
  • 02. Plyometrics and skipping (20 min)
  • 03. An intro to HIIT (33 min)
  • 04. Core, Lunges & Squats (20')
  • 05. Legs circuit (28 min)
  • 06. Cardio Fitness (33 min)

Coach advice

"This is a challenge that anyone can do, provided that you listen to your body. Grab a bottle of water and an exercise mat, stick your favourite playlist on, and off you go!"
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