Improving your weight training skills in 4 weeks #3

Intermediate 4 weeks 4x/week
article rating 4.7/5 121

Now that you have mastered the basic weight training exercises and have built muscle strength by increasing your weights load, continue your training and test your endurance by changing the pace at which you do the exercises.
We have added variations to the exercises to avoid monotony. Feel free to repeat the basic movements if certain exercises seem too difficult for you. Some exercises will now be done in "triphase" mode. This means that you need to hold the position for 4 seconds at each end of the movement (for example, in the high position and the low position). To perform the exercises in this programme correctly, clear an area of approximately 2 x 1.5 m.
Remember to turn on the sound for the best experience.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !

Week 1 - Vary your pace for greater effectiveness.

Stick to pace indicated for each exercise while taking care to use proper technique.

  • 01. Learn the new pushing exercises workout (66 minutes)
  • 02. Learn the new pulling exercises workout (64 minutes)
  • 03. Learn the new pushing exercises workout (66 minutes)
  • 04. Learn the new pulling exercises workout (64 minutes)

Week 2 - Varying the tempo of the exercises.

Be sure to focus on contracting your muscles during the different phases of each exercise.

  • 05. Repeat the pushing exercises workout (66 minutes)
  • 06. Repeat the pulling workout session (64 minutes)
  • 07. Repeat the pushing exercises workout (66 minutes)
  • 08. Repeat the pulling workout session (64 minutes)

Week 3 - You can vary your pace within a single set for a more complete workout.

Stick to the times for each exercise while taking care to use proper technique.

  • 09. Reinforced pushing exercises workout (66 minutes)
  • 10. Reinforced pulling exercises workout (62 minutes)
  • 11. Reinforced pushing exercises workout (66 minutes)
  • 12. Reinforced pulling exercises workout (62 minutes)

Week 4 - Final week of the programme

Apply all of the exercises you learned and pointers received, and give it your best during this final week!

  • 13. Perfecting the pushing exercises workout (66 minutes)
  • 14. Perfecting the pulling exercises workout (67 minutes)
  • 15. Perfecting the pushing exercises workout (66 minutes)
  • 16. Perfecting the pulling exercises workout (67 minutes)

Coach advice

"This programme is to be performed after the "learn and master the basic weight training exercises" and "build muscle strength by improving your four basic movements" programmes."
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