Target: 6 kilometres in 1 hour

Beginner 6 weeks 3x/week
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This programme is designed to improve your walking speed. For 6 weeks, you’ll alternate pure endurance sessions with sessions combining endurance and split exercises. In this way, you will learn to walk longer, faster. I hope you enjoy it!

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !

Week 1 - Develop your endurance around 5km/h

This week, you’ll develop your endurance around 5km/h. Before walking 1 hr at 6km/h, you need to be comfortable at a lower speed. Remember to take enough to keep yourself hydrated during your sessions!

  • 01. Endurance - 45 minutes
  • 02. Interval training and endurance - 60 minutes
  • 03. Endurance - 50 minutes

Week 2 - Walk comfortably at 5km/h

Welcome to this second week of training! Before setting off, make sure you have enough to drink. Walking at 5 km/h will soon be child’s play!

  • 04. Endurance - 55 minutes
  • 05. Interval training and endurance - 55 minutes
  • 06. Endurance - 45 minutes

Week 3 - First points at 6km/h!

The third week of training already? Time flies! This week, we’ll increase the speed slightly around 5.5 km/h, with the first split exercises at 6 km/h!

  • 07. Endurance - 50 minutes
  • 08. Interval training and endurance - 60 minutes
  • 09. Endurance - 45 minutes

Week 4 - Consolidate what you’ve achieved!

This week is like the last. Don’t worry, and stay motivated before we start to step things up! After 3 weeks of progress, it’s important to consolidate what you’ve achieved.

  • 10. Endurance - 45 minutes
  • 11. Interval training and endurance - 60 minutes
  • 12. Endurance - 45 minutes

Week 5 - 45 minutes at 6km/h!

This week, you’re preparing your first endurance session at 6km/h, for 45 minutes. You’ll have to use all the techniques of sports walking to walk faster. I'm sure you'll get there!

  • 13. Endurance - 50 minutes
  • 14. Interval training and endurance - 60 minutes
  • 15. Endurance - 45 minutes

Week 6 - 6 km in 1 hour!

This is the last week, when you will be able to successfully walk for 1 hr at 6 km/h! All the techniques of sports walking to walk faster, which we have worked on together over the last 5 weeks, are there to help you.

  • 16. Endurance - 50 minutes
  • 17. Interval training and endurance - 60 minutes
  • 18. D-Day: 1 hr of walking at 6km/h!

Coach advice

"You’ve discovered all the benefits of sports walking, and want to improve your performance? Then this plan is for you! As the sessions progress, improve your endurance to walk for 1 hr at 6km/h. Stick to the pace, stay motivated, and above all, enjoy it to the full."
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