Morning wake-up routine

Beginner 2 weeks 7x/week
article rating 4.7/5 2026

How does a stretching routine to start your day off right sound?

We'll help you ease stiff muscles and relieve joint and muscle pain that can sometimes make it hard to get going in the morning.

All you need is 15 minutes for this gentle routine!

You may also want to give the "Evening stretching" routine a try because your body deserves it!

The goals? Improving flexibility, reducing muscle and joint pain, and stress management.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !

Week 1 - A week of gentle wake-ups

To really feel the benefits of this routine, stay calm and breathe deeply.

  • 01. Supine wake-up
  • 02. Kneeling wake-up
  • 03. Full-body wake-up
  • 04. Supine wake-up
  • 05. Kneeling wake-up
  • 06. Full-body wake-up
  • 07. Full-body wake-up

Week 2 - We'll increase the duration of the stretches for a stronger effect.

To really feel the benefits of this routine, stay calm and breathe deeply.

  • 08. Supine wake-up
  • 09. Kneeling wake-up
  • 10. Full-body wake-up
  • 11. Supine wake-up
  • 12. Kneeling wake-up
  • 13. Full-body wake-up
  • 14. Full-body wake-up

Coach advice

"Where can you do your routine? In bed or on a mat? Enjoy this time all to yourself. Choose a calm and comfortable place where you can get the most out of the stretches. The first few exercises can be done in bed, but then you'll need a mat. Enjoy and let us know how it goes!"
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