Improving your speed / VO2max - 2 sessions per week

Experienced 6 weeks 2x/week
article rating 4.7/5 721

Maximum Aerobic Speed (MAS) refers to the running speed at which you consume the maximum amount of oxygen.It is important to have a good MAS to improve, run faster and achieve better times.

We offer you a progressive 6-week plan where you will gradually aim to run faster for longer periods with decreasing recovery time.
If you would like to follow this plan, you must be 1 hour without stopping.

In the week following the completion of this program, feel free to participate in a short-distance race to validate the work you have done over these weeks.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !

Week 1 - Getting to know the paces

Interval training exercises always start with a warm-up that includes jogging, dynamic exercises and 3 accelerations.
The session always ends with a 10-minute warm-down jog at a slow pace.

  • 01. VO2max 10x (30 sec - 30 sec)
  • 02. 45 min of jogging on flat terrain

Week 2 - Increase in the number of repetitions

The required interval training is very demanding. Take care of yourself, change into some dry clothes after running, follow our nutritional advice, maintain a healthy lifestyle and everything will be fine!

  • 03. VO2max 12x (30 sec - 30 sec)
  • 04. 1h of jogging on flat terrain

Week 3 - Gradual increase in exercise time

This week's jog should be done on hilly terrain, not only to strengthen the muscles naturally, but also to avoid the monotony of always running along the same routes.

  • 05. VO2max 10x (45 sec - 45 sec)
  • 06. 1 hour of jogging on hilly terrain

Week 4 - 1-minute of effort intervals!

The required interval training is very demanding. Take care of yourself, change into some dry clothes after running, follow our nutritional advice, maintain a healthy lifestyle and everything will be fine!

  • 07. VO2max 8 x (1min - 1min)
  • 08. 1h15min of jogging on flat terrain

Week 5 - Decrease in recovery time

This week is tough, but hard work pays off. Stay motivated!

  • 09. VO2max 12x (45 sec - 40 sec)
  • 10. 1 hour of jogging on hilly terrain

Week 6 - Final week of the programme!

In the week following the completion of this program, feel free to participate in a short-distance race to validate the work you have done over these weeks.

In this case, the session right before the race will be a 30-minute jog, ending with 5 gradual accelerations.

  • 11. VO2max 10 x (1min - 50s)
  • 12. 1h15min of jogging on flat terrain

Coach advice

"If you want to improve your speed, this requires MAS/VO2max training.We will alternate traditional endurance sessions with high-intensity interval training."
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