4 weeks to burn calories

Beginner 4 weeks 3x/week
article rating 4.6/5 160

Want to burn up some calories?

Here's a 4-week cardio training programme on an elliptical bike to tone yourself up, gain muscle, and spend some energy!
Alright, let's go!

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !

Week 1 - Let's get started gently

This week, you're going to alternate cardio sessions (the ultimate calorie burner) with endurance training!Breath recovery and toning guaranteed!

  • 01. Interval Training (55 min)
  • 02. Endurance (55 min)
  • 03. Interval Training (55 min)

Week 2 - This is progress week!

For this second week, we'll ramp up the interval training and keep one endurance session.

  • 04. Interval Training (55 min)
  • 05. Endurance (55 min)
  • 06. Interval Training (55 min)

Week 3 - The motivation week

Now in week 3, you'll start to notice real progress, your endurance has gone up.

  • 07. Interval Training (55 min)
  • 08. Endurance (55 min)
  • 09. Interval Training (55 min)

Week 4 - Final week of the programme.

You're stronger than ever, it's time to finish off this programme with style.

  • 10. Interval Training (55 min)
  • 11. Endurance (55 min)
  • 12. Interval Training (55 min)

Coach advice

"Here's a programme for an elliptical bike!Make sure you have water close by, wear a suitable outfit, and ventilate the room you're exercising in.And to boost your motivation, start up your favourite playlist.Stay tuned to your body and your heart rate.Adjust the sessions and their pace as needed."
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