Maximal Power Training #2 42'

Beginner 42 minutes
article rating 4.7/5 95

Duration 42'

Submaximal power training will help improve your explosiveness during sprints and attacks.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !
Session exercises
  • 01
    10' Warm-up
  • 02
    Pyramid of 6 sprints and 5 min smooth pedalling (15"/20"/25"/20"/15")
  • 03
    10' Cool-down

Coach advice

"During submaximal training, you should use a high resistance level and the highest gear ratio possible.
The first few strokes should be extremely difficult, but as time passes, it will feel easier to move your legs.
Your hands should stay on the bottom during this workout, but you can alternate between sitting and standing during sprints.
During recovery intervals, your cadence should be 100 rotations per minute as recovering should not be physically draining."
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