Stimulate your energy (9 min)

Beginner 9 minutes
article rating 4.7/5 595

Far from the stress of your life at home or at work, start your day off right with 3 essential yoga poses that will boost your vitality and keep your energy high.

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Session exercises
  • 01
    Easy pose (1 min)
  • 02
    Static seated side bend (2 x 30 sec)
  • 03
    Chair (1 min)
  • 04
    Tree (2 min)
  • 05
    Warrior 2 (2 min)
  • 06
    Mountain with prayer hands (1 min)

Coach advice

"Comfortably settled in at home or at work, do this series of hatha yoga (=force yoga) poses at your own pace. Repeat this combination at least 3 times a week for maximum relaxation. Improve your mindset, revitalize your body and balance your chakras, which are hubs of vital energy."
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