Half Cooper Test (6min)

Experienced 6 minutes
article rating 4.5/5 203

The Half Cooper Test is designed to assess your Maximum Aerobic Speed (MAS).

Before starting this test, you must do a warm up:15 to 20 minutes of jogging, a few drills and a few accelerations. Make sure you're properly warmed up before starting the test.

You will run for 6 minutes as fast and as steadily as possible.
When the 6 minutes are up, stop immediately.Multiply the distance you covered in those 6 minutes by 10 to determine your MAS.
For example, if you ran 1.45 km in 6 minutes, your MAS would be 14.5 km/h

CAUTION: This test pushes your body to its maximum capacity, so never do it alone. Having someone nearby in case of an emergency is essential.
Get approval from your doctor before attempting this test, especially if you're not accustomed to high-intensity exercise.

Ideally, you should avoid any intensive workouts in the 48 hours leading up to the test.

Pair your heart rate sensor with the Decathlon Coach app if you want to determine your HRmax during the test.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !
Session exercises
  • 01
    6 minutes of running

Coach advice

"Before starting this test, you must do a warm up:15 to 20 minutes of jogging, a few drills and a few accelerations. Make sure you're properly warmed up before starting the test."
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