Yoga break #3 (5 min)

Beginner 6 minutes
article rating 4.7/5 208

For this sequence, you'll do 5 poses to wake up your vital energy.

For each of these poses, you'll breathe through your nose.

Do the poses every day, preferably in the morning, because they are energising and could interfere with your sleep.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !
Session exercises
  • 01
    Mountain with arms overhead (40 sec)
  • 02
    Standing forward bend (1 min)
  • 03
    Downward-facing dog (45 sec)
  • 04
    Cobra (40 sec)
  • 05
    Child's pose (45 sec)

Coach advice

"Some yoga poses can stimulate the body and mind. By holding these poses for a few breaths, you'll feel your body begin to generate heat."
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