Yoga break #4 (6 min)

Beginner 6 minutes
article rating 4.6/5 101

For this sequence, we have 5 inverted poses for you to try.

Inverted poses have many benefits. They:
- Are good for the heart
- Energise both body and mind
- Relieve the back

For each of these poses, you'll breathe through the nose.

You can do the sequence several times through or repeat the poses one by one. For maximum relaxation, do these poses twice a day, in the morning and evening.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !
Session exercises
  • 01
    Mountain (1 min)
  • 02
    Downward-facing dog (1 min)
  • 03
    Wide-legged standing forward bend (1 min)
  • 04
    Shoulder stand (40 sec)
  • 05
    Knees to chest (1 min)

Coach advice

"Inverted yoga poses are all poses where the heart is above the head. They are good for the heart, balance, and nervous and lymphatic systems.
Inverted poses are not limited to advanced yogis. There are gentle options that anyone at any level can do."
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