Upper body (15 mins)

Beginner 16 minutes
article rating 4.4/5 133

Here is an upper body workout with the kettlebell. You will find 3 exercises with 3 minutes of work.

Have a good workout :)

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !
Session exercises
  • 01
    Joint workout: neck, hips, knees (40s)
  • 02
    Strict presses (3 mins)
  • 03
    2-arm pulls (3 mins)
  • 04
    Sit-ups (3 mins)
  • 05
    Shoulder stretch (20s)
  • 06
    Upright back stretch (20s)
  • 07
    Downward dog (30s)

Coach advice

"The goal is to do a maximum number of repetitions each time. Keep hydrated during your breaks!"
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