Starting Pilates #1 (12 min)

Beginner 11 minutes
article rating 4.3/5 1015

This session is composed of 3 basic exercises for strengthening the 3 muscle chains, alternating between strength and mobility exercises.
Right from your very first session, this will help you feel the benefits of Pilates: strengthening weak muscles and stretching tight ones.

To make the most of your workout, pick a calm location, choose a comfortable outfit and either go barefoot or wear socks. Make sure you have a mat for comfort.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !
Session exercises
  • 01
    Child's pose
  • 02
    Positioning and Pilates breathing
  • 03
    Kneeling plank
  • 04
    Prone swimmer - right foot
  • 05
    Level 1 right side bend
  • 06
    Kneeling plank
  • 07
    Level 1 left side bend
  • 08
    Prone swimmer - left foot
  • 09
    Glute stretch
  • 10
    2-leg back stretch
  • 11
    Kneeling lunge stretch

Coach advice

"For this workout, take your time, concentrate on your breathing and feel the exercises in your core. Opt for quality, not quantity."
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