Learning the basics (16 min)

Beginner 16 minutes
article rating 4.5/5 1937

The Pilates breathing technique is known as lateral thoracic breathing. It helps strengthen the deep muscles of your stomach and back.
You will also learn how to position your hips neutrally, i.e. putting them in a position that protects your back, particularly your natural lumbar curve.

Regularly practising the Pilates method will reduce back pain, slim your stomach and waist, and strengthen your abs. In short, you will feel fitter, stronger and more flexible.

Ready? Let's start this 16-minute session, which you can do as often as you like.

Happy stretching!

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !
Session exercises
  • 01
    Neutral hip placement
  • 02
    Lateral thoracic breathing
  • 03
    The hundred - option 1
  • 04
    The hundred - option 2
  • 05
  • 06
    1-leg stretch
  • 07
    Back stretch

Coach advice

"I recommend doing this session in a quiet space with bare feet and comfortable clothing. Don't forget to put on some calming music to aid your relaxation and concentration."
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