MAS 12 x (30s - 30s)

Intermediate 42 minutes
article rating 4.6/5 743

After a warm-up, you will do 30 seconds at almost maximum endurance and then jog very slowly for 30 seconds before restarting the intervals for 12 repetitions.

You will finish the session with a 10 minute cool-down (not exceeding 65% of your HRMax) to relax your muscles and bring down your heart rate.

Your recovery will take place more quickly and your body will be more ready at the next session.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !
Session exercises
  • 01
    20 minutes running
  • 02
    12 x short vVO2max (30s-30s)
  • 03
    10-minute cool-down

Coach advice

"To split it up, try to find the pace that allows your last repetition to be as fast as the first one. .

If you use a heart rate monitor, the fast sections will be at 90 - 100% of your HRMax."
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