Resistance band workout (25 min)

Beginner 26 minutes
article rating 4.6/5 158

This is a progressive workout with 5 exercises. In the first set we will do a 30/30 pattern (30 seconds of exercise followed by 30 seconds of rest), then switch to 40/20 for the second set, and finally 50/10 for the third set. Take a one minute break between each set. Pause the app as needed to give yourself sufficient time to get the band properly in place before each exercise.

You need to have Decathlon Coach application to launch this program !
Session exercises
  • 01
    Deadlift (40 sec)
  • 02
    Air squat (40 sec)
  • 03
    Shoulders (40 sec)
  • 04
    Deadlift (30 sec)
  • 05
    Overhead press (30 sec)
  • 06
    Cable curl (30 sec)
  • 07
    Biceps curl (30 sec)
  • 08
    Squats (30 sec)
  • 09
    Set 2
  • 10
    Set 3
  • 11
    Back stretch (60 sec)
  • 12
    Hamstring stretch (60 sec)
  • 13
    Child's pose (60 sec)

Coach advice

"This session is designed for strength training. Put your resistance band on while the demonstration video is running, and pause the app if you find you need more time to get it in position correctly."
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